Building on the observation that writing and speaking are among the most effective ways of engaging students in critical engagement with course content and disciplinary practices — in particular, through the added cognitive processing required to transform knowledge into writing or speaking — this workshop will help participants consider the role writing and speaking across the curriculum can play in engaging students more deeply in their courses. Drawing on strategies that emerge from the writing-across-the-curriculum movement, this workshop will consider the connections between the critical thinking skills we hope to foster through our teaching and the strategies we might use to develop and strengthen those skills. Participants can expect to leave the workshop with an understanding of key approaches to writing and speaking across the curriculum, the role these approaches can play in supporting active teaching and learning, and the role they can play in supporting the development of learners’ critical thinking skills. Hands-on activities will ask participants to apply these approaches to current or planned courses. Participants should expect to leave with one or more activities they might use in their courses.